Econet Risk Assessment [Base Document]
Assessment: Activities with children

Scope: Activity [Task]

Assessment Summary: Activities with children;

Activities with children
Last updated: 07/10/2022 14:59:38
Typical uncontrolled outcomes
Typical groups at risk
Participants in activity.
  Hazards Controls
  • Any activity involving children must be organised in accordance with our Safeguarding statement,
  • Volunteers should only work with children in the presence of a responsible adult (parent, teacher, social worker, etc.).
  • Volunteers should avoid physical contact for the children.
  • The responsible adults are responsible for the behaviour of the children; however if a child's behaviour puts at risk their safety or wellbeing, or the safety or wellbeing of others, then appropriate action must be taken, e.g. stopping the activity.

   Econet's Health and Safety Policy can be found at

   4 November 2024 18:22 T2311054666