The second of three consecutive tasks for the group learning the ancient craft of hedgelaying.
It's seems appropriate that the hedge to be laid was predominately hawthorn for the word 'hedge' is said to be derived from the Saxon word for the haw, the fruit of the hawthorn. The tangled and thorny branches provided a challenge even for those with some previous experience.
Many thanks to those who joined us for what we hope was an instructive and rewarding task.
Created: Monday, 19th January 2015
Photographs: Alan Stevens
This was the group's third and final visit to the site this winter where they have continued the hedgelaying started in January by Green Gym. The aim of this task was to complete staking and binding the hedge that had so far been laid and start thinning some of the remainder ready to continue laying next autumn.
Stakes and binders provided by CROW!
Created: Sunday, 15th March 2015
Photographs: Alan Stevens