The task was to open an existing ride, taking out overhanging trees and clearing fallen branches and trees.
Fourteen volunteers ably lead on this occasion by Vicky, were soon hard at work.
With the promise of lardy cake and an array of other goodies with coffee, there's no stopping a CROW volunteer.
Some opted for a more graceful approach to the task, .....
..... some comtemplative, .....
..... whilst with others there could be no arguing!
Whilst most were happy to clear the path, others seemed to find a perverse pleasure in blocking it again, their (his) only excuse being that the leader did say blah, blah, blah. Fortunately .....
..... help was at hand to clear the resultant mess.
Excellent progress!
A job well done!
Thanks to everyone who joined us for the day and to Vicky for leading and supplying coffee and cakes.