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CROW (Conserve Reading on Wednesdays)
Wednesday, 17th June 2015
Englefield Primary School ~ Garden maintenance

With at least eight of our regular volunteers on holiday or otherwise engaged, it was a rather select group who gathered at Englefield in anticipation of a day at the Five a Day Market Garden only to discover that their services were required next door helping with the local primary school's garden.

The garden consisting of a series of beds, is used by the children to grow flowers and vegetables. Unfortunately the paths between and round the beds had been invaded by grass and nettles making access difficult.

Under the guidance of Lesley who had been head teacher at the school and was involved in establishing the garden, we set about cutting back over hanging branches, pulling up nettles and stacking discarded timber.

When the time arrived to indulge ourselves with a visit to the nearby tearoom (in support local business) for coffee and cake, the impact of our work was already starting to become clearly visible.

The paths had originally be laid out using membrane covered with wood chip. Unfortunately over time soil had become mixed with the wood chip allowing weeds to establish.

The paths were cleared back to the membrane in the hope that the school will be able to obtain fresh wood chip.

By the end of the day the site had been transformed .....

Thank You

.... and we had been thanked for our efforts by both staff and pupils.

Volunteers for the day: Terry, Peter and Alan. Thanks also to Lesley for all her help. It may not have been the task we were expecting but it was an enjoyable and rewarding day.

Website: Englefield Primary School

Created: Friday, 19th June 2015
Photographs: Alan Stevens