Risk Assessment Overview

Risk assessments for Econet activities are assembled from a series of 'base' documents which can be viewed below. These documents are broadly based on The Conservation Volunteers generic risk assessments.

The base documents fall into one of three categories:

  1. Activity specific assessments which apply to specific activities either an event or a task, e.g. 'Hedgelaying' or 'Event - Guided Walk'.
  2. Site specific assessments which apply to all activities at a particular site, e.g. 'Public Open Space' applies to all sites where there is unrestricted public access and relates to issues such as dog fouling and sharps.
  3. Assessments which can apply to either an activity or a site, e.g. 'Roadside working' may apply to all activities at some sites but could apply to activities at other sites depending on the location of the activity.

In addition there is a 'General Conservation Activities' assessment which applies to all tasks.

Base Documents

Activities with children


Bracken clearance

Chalk pit working

Construction (paths, ponds, etc.)

Coppicing, felling & scrub clearance

Event - General

Event - Self-guided Walk

Event - Stallholder

Event - Walk


Fencing removal

General Conservation Activities


Ground clearance, gardening

Heath and grassland management


Ladder work

Litter pick

Path clearance

Pond, stream and wetland work

Processing sawn timber from sawmill (NT)

Public open space

Road crossings

Roadside working

Small carpentry

Strimmers and other machinery

Tree and other planting

Use of Chemicals

Waterside working

Willow harvest