(Conserve Reading
on Wednesdays)

Friends of
Clayfield Copse

Friends of
Mapledurham Playing Fields

Friends of
McIlroy Park

Friends of
Reading Old Cemetery

Friends of
Ruscombe Wood

Friends of
Waterloo Meadows

Reading Urban


CRoW (Conserve Reading on Wednesdays)

CRoW was founded in 1986 with its first task in Curtis Wood, Calcot on the 12th March, but folded in 1990 due to a lack of support. However, in September of that year thanks to the efforts of some determined volunteers and the support of BTCV (now TCV), Reading Borough Council and Berkshire Conservation Volunteers (BeC) the group was relaunched initially with one or two tasks a month. Despite some further struggles by 1995 tasks were being organised on a weekly basis. From the outset in addition to schools and open spaces within the borough of Reading, CRoW has undertaken work for a variety of councils such as Ruscombe Parish, Earley Town and the now defunct Berkshire County Council as well as organisations like the National Trust, the Woodland Trust, the local Wildlfe Trust and Thrive. See our archive for further details of the group's history.

We now aim to organise a task every Wednesday throughout the year ranging from hedgelaying and coppicing to scrub clearance, invasive species control and path maintenance at sites in and around Reading, from Dinton Pastures to the east to Paices Wood in the west and including many of Reading's open spaces such as Clayfield Copse in Caversham and Blundells Copse in Tilehurst. Please visit our Programme for further details.

Contact: Dave 07703 309 611. Alternatively, please contact us via the Contacts page.

Please note, though our tasks are planned to finish at around 14:30 if you are only able to come for the morning you are welcome to join us providing you have your own transport. Also we appreciate our volunteers have other interests and commitments and may not be able to join us every week, we will be happy to see you whenever you are able to come.

CRoW Archive

Future Activities

Unless stated otherwise tasks are from 10:00 until about 14:30. Meet on site. A summary of current planned activities follows, for full details please visit our Programme.



17th July 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Beech Wood

Holly clearance and dead hedging


19th July 2024

10:00 - 13:00
The Cowsey

Path clearance and glade creation


24th July 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Fobney Island Wetland Nature Reserve
Removal of fallen trees and path clearance


31st July 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Cornwell Copse

Holly removal


7th August 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Highwood Nature Reserve

Laurel clearance


14th August 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Clayfield Copse

Bramble and path clearance


21st August 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Twyford Woodland
Woodland management


28th August 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Beech Hill

To be confirmed


30th August 2024

10:00 - 13:00
The Cowsey

Path clearance and glade creation


11th September 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Dinton Pastures Country Park
Willow removal


18th September 2024

10:00 - 14:30
Paices Wood Country Park

To be decided


27th September 2024

10:00 - 13:00
The Cowsey

Path clearance and glade creation


No new activities planned in the current programme

Please note: CRoW is part of Econet and all activities referencing that name are Econet activities.