(Conserve Reading
on Wednesdays)

Friends of
Clayfield Copse

Friends of
Mapledurham Playing Fields

Friends of
McIlroy Park

Friends of
Reading Old Cemetery

Friends of
Ruscombe Wood

Friends of
Waterloo Meadows

Reading Urban


Friends of McIlroy Park

McIlroy Park is located on rising ground in a residential area of Tilehurst, and boasts sweeping views of the River Thames. The Park consists of grassland bordered by semi-ancient mixed woodland which includes oak, hazel and beech as well as an extensive area of holly. Some of the woodland is steeply sloped. The site was designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1992.



The Friends organise monthly tasks on the 4th Sunday of the month throughout the year except August and December, see Programme for further details.

Photographs from McIlroy Park

Contact: Philip (0118) 941 0471 or 07549 164 910. Alternatively, please contact us via the Contacts page.

Reading Borough Council Site Description

Natural England - Local Nature Reserve Designation

Where to find us:  Google

Future Activities

Unless stated otherwise tasks are from 10:00 until 13:00. Meet at the park entrance at the junction of Pottery Road with Norcot Road opposite the Tylers Rest. Please let Philip know if you would like to join us, contact details below, so that we can insure there are sufficient tools. A summary of current planned activities follows, for full details please visit our Programme.



28th July 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Regular monthly task


22nd September 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Regular monthly task


No new activities planned in the current programme

Please note: The Friends of McIlroy Park are part of Econet and all activities referencing that name are Econet activities.