(Conserve Reading
on Wednesdays)

Friends of
Clayfield Copse

Friends of
Mapledurham Playing Fields

Friends of
McIlroy Park

Friends of
Reading Old Cemetery

Friends of
Ruscombe Wood

Friends of
Waterloo Meadows

Reading Urban


Friends of Waterloo Meadows

Waterloo Meadows is situated in the Katesgrove area of Reading off Elgar Road alongside the River Kennet and is within a few minutes' walk of the town centre. It consists of grassland including a wildflower meadow with bramble thickets and small areas of woodland. Along the river edge there are alders and willows. In February 2013 a new community orchard was planted at the site.

The Friends of group which was formed in 1993, organise monthly tasks throughout the year generally on the 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month, and on alternate Tuesday evenings during the late spring and summer. Note: Before June 2024, tasks were on Saturday rather than Sunday.

Cathy Holwill's photographs of Waterloo Meadows on Flickr

Other Photographs from Waterloo Meadows

Contact: Mike 07764 675 636. Alternatively, please contact us via the Contacts page.

Reading Borough Council Site Description

Where to find us:  Google

Future Activities

Unless stated otherwise Saturday tasks are from 12:00 until 15:00, Wednesday evening tasks are from 18:45 until 20:30. Meet at the Katesgrove Children's Centre, Elgar Road. A summary of current planned activities follows, for full details please visit our Programme.



16th July 2024

18:45 - 20:30
Evening task


28th July 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Regular monthly task - Meadow - Haymaking


30th July 2024

18:45 - 20:30
Evening task


13th August 2024

18:45 - 20:30
Evening task


18th August 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Regular monthly task - Pond maintenance


27th August 2024

18:45 - 20:30
Evening task


10th September 2024

18:45 - 20:30
Evening task


15th September 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Regular monthly task - Bird and bat box maintenance


22nd September 2024

10:00 - 13:00
RESCUE Site Cleanup


No new activities planned in the current programme

Please note: The Friends of Waterloo Meadows are part of Econet and all activities referencing that name are Econet activities.